Find out how to prepare a non-stock kit in Acumatica

A non-stock kit is a group of inventories including non-stock items. Users can create kits just by creating kits and defining its specification.

To create a Non-Stock Item Kit in Acumatica and use them, below mentioned are the steps:

  • After logging into Acumatica, make sure that the Kit Assembly feature is enabled on Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and navigate to the Non-Stock Items (IN202200) screen.
  • Create a new record, enter the required details like default warehouse, price specifications, etc. and select the Is a Kit checkbox.
  • Save the item.
  • Navigate to the Kit Specifications (IN209500) form.
  • Select the Kit Inventory ID, and enter the Revision and Description in the respective fields.
  • Under the Non-Stock Components tab, add the stock items under the Component ID column, and the quantities for which the kit is to be created.
  • The Component Qty column represents the number of individual components for the single kit.
  • And then click on the Save button.
  • And hence, now the kit can be used in orders.

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